A searchable inventory of entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem resources around our 21 innovation spaces across Pennsylvania

“What’s Your Big Idea?” Challenge
Penn State Shenango “What’s Your Big Idea?” Challenge, through its VenturePointe Incubator at the eCenter @ LindenPointe, is open to Shenango students with innovative ideas or ones that solve identified…
Penn State Shenango “What’s Your Big Idea?” Challenge, through its VenturePointe Incubator at the eCenter…
Location: Shenango Service Area: Regional

1855 Capital
Private early-stage venture capital fund providing investment and advisement primarily to Penn State-affiliated startups.
Private early-stage venture capital fund providing investment and advisement primarily to Penn State-affiliated startups.
Location: State College Service Area: State-wide

3 Dots Downtown
Inspiring a more vibrant community by promoting local arts, cultivating innovative experiences and offering an inclusive, welcoming community space.
Inspiring a more vibrant community by promoting local arts, cultivating innovative experiences and offering an…
Location: University Park Service Area: Regional

Abington LaunchBox
Penn State Abington's innovation space providing innovators and entrepreneurs makerspace, coworking space, educational workshops, legal and IP advice, and pitch competitions.
Penn State Abington's innovation space providing innovators and entrepreneurs makerspace, coworking space, educational workshops, legal…
Location: Jenkintown Service Area: Regional

Allan P. Kirby Center for Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Encourages and enables Wilkes University students, faculty and staff, and Wilkes Barre community members to launch businesses and understand free enterprise, value creation, and entrepreneurship through curriculum and experience-based activities.
Encourages and enables Wilkes University students, faculty and staff, and Wilkes Barre community members to…
Location: Wilkes-Barre Service Area: Regional

Nationally ranked startup accelerator providing early-stage technology companies with an extensive mentor network, educational sessions with industry leaders and a rich entrepreneurial work environment.
Nationally ranked startup accelerator providing early-stage technology companies with an extensive mentor network, educational sessions…
Location: Pittsburgh Service Area: State-wide

Altoona Blair County Development Corporation
Assists businesses of all sizes with financing, workforce development, site selection, expansions, consultations and more.
Assists businesses of all sizes with financing, workforce development, site selection, expansions, consultations and more.
Location: Altoona Service Area: Regional

Altoona LaunchBox
An innovation space for community, student and faculty entrepreneurs with accelerator programs, coworking space, and free legal, IP and business advice.
An innovation space for community, student and faculty entrepreneurs with accelerator programs, coworking space, and…
Location: Altoona Service Area: Regional

Applied Research Laboratory
Penn State research laboratory providing industry and government solutions for national security, economic competitiveness and quality of life challenges. A University Center of Excellence in naval science, systems engineering and…
Penn State research laboratory providing industry and government solutions for national security, economic competitiveness and…
Location: State College Service Area: State-wide

Beauty Shoppe
Unique urban coworking space in Pittsburgh offering entrepreneurs an affordable, supportive work environment, community and events, which integrate the city's cultural offerings and talents.
Unique urban coworking space in Pittsburgh offering entrepreneurs an affordable, supportive work environment, community and…
Location: Pittsburgh Service Area: Regional

Beaver County Chamber of Commerce
An organization promoting economic growth in Beaver County
An organization promoting economic growth in Beaver County
Location: Beaver Service Area: Regional

Beaver Valley LaunchBox
Penn State Beaver's innovation space providing coworking space, pitch competitions and access to legal and IP advice.
Penn State Beaver's innovation space providing coworking space, pitch competitions and access to legal and…
Location: Monaca Service Area: Regional

Ben Franklin Technology Partners Innovation Works
A PA state-funded investor in promising, technology-oriented startup companies with a focus on funding their critical commercialization activities and meeting growth needs.
A PA state-funded investor in promising, technology-oriented startup companies with a focus on funding their…
Location: Pittsburgh Service Area: Regional

Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central and Northern PA
A PA state-funded investor in promising, technology-oriented startup companies with a focus on funding their critical commercialization activities and meeting growth needs. A key collaborator with Invent Penn State &…
A PA state-funded investor in promising, technology-oriented startup companies with a focus on funding their…
Location: Central and Northern PA Service Area: Regional

Berks County Community Foundation
Promotes philanthropy and improves the quality of life for residents of Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Promotes philanthropy and improves the quality of life for residents of Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Location: Reading Service Area: Regional

Berks County Office of Industrial Development Authority
Creates and develops business opportunities through the construction, improvement, rehabilitation, revitalization and financing of industrial, commercial, manufacturing, research and development enterprises to alleviate unemployment and prevent blight.
Creates and develops business opportunities through the construction, improvement, rehabilitation, revitalization and financing of industrial,…
Location: Reading Service Area: Regional

Berks LaunchBox
Penn State Berks' innovation space offering pitch competitions, accelerator programs, coworking space, legal and IP advice, and 3D printing
Penn State Berks' innovation space offering pitch competitions, accelerator programs, coworking space, legal and IP…
Location: Reading Service Area: Regional

Berks-Schuylkill Score
Provides free mentoring and low-cost workshops to support business development in Berks and Schuylkill counties.
Provides free mentoring and low-cost workshops to support business development in Berks and Schuylkill counties.
Location: Reading Service Area: Regional