Industry Partners

Penn State’s New agreement with Volvo Group North America continues Academic-Preferred Partnership in U.S.

"The Volvo Group North America’s model for Academic Preferred Partnership highlights how universities and corporations can work together to solve real-world challenges and improve the lives of people around the globe."

Jeff Fortin

Associate Vice President for Research and Director of the Office of Industrial Partnerships at Penn State

Every business faces challenges. Penn State combines world-class research talent and state-of-the-art technology to help you find solutions to those challenges.

Intellectual Property

We can help you explore disruptive technologies that will shape future markets. Dozens of U.S. patents are issued to The Penn State Research Foundation each year and many are available for licensing.

Faculty Connections

Meet top U.S. researchers making discoveries in your vertical market. You’ll find world-class expertise and a growing energy around commercial innovation. If you are ready to develop a long-term collaborative partnership, we can help.

Contract Research

Develop an external research team powered by Penn State. We have the ideas–and the resources–to meet your needs. Our research teams can help you add to your product portfolio, or explore new technologies to solve a problem.

Facilities & Equipment

We have state-of-the-art technology, equipment and research facilities available to industry partners. From nano-clean rooms to CIMP 3D manufacturing, from quiet labs to agricultural fields, there are Penn State tools to meet your business needs.

Young Talent

Tap into their passion. Our students are the best and the brightest and they are eager to explore internships and hands-on opportunities. Experiential industry programs, in all fields of study, are a growing part of the Invent Penn State initiative.

Increased Campus Visibility

Interested in reaching the broader University audience? We can help you make connections with on-campus events, student organizations, faculty & staff programming and other opportunities for Penn State partnership.


Intellectual Property

We can help you explore disruptive technologies that will shape future markets. Dozens of U.S. patents are issued to The Penn State Research Foundation each year and many are available for licensing.

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Faculty Connections

Meet top U.S. researchers making discoveries in your vertical market. You’ll find world-class expertise and a growing energy around commercial innovation. If you are ready to develop a long-term collaborative partnership, we can help.

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Contract Research

Develop an external research team powered by Penn State. We have the ideas–and the resources–to meet your needs. Our research teams can help you add to your product portfolio, or explore new technologies to solve a problem.


Facilities & Equipment

We have state-of-the-art technology, equipment and research facilities available to industry partners. From nano-clean rooms to CIMP 3D manufacturing, from quiet labs to agricultural fields, there are Penn State tools to meet your business needs.


Young Talent

Tap into their passion. Our students are the best and the brightest and they are eager to explore internships and hands-on opportunities. Experiential industry programs, in all fields of study, are a growing part of the Invent Penn State initiative.


Increased Campus Visibility

Interested in reaching the broader University audience? We can help you make connections with on-campus events, student organizations, faculty & staff programming and other opportunities for Penn State partnership.

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Get Started

We can help your company make the connections you need. Streamline the process with the Concierge, your liaison across University departments and services and more.

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