Dare to Disrupt
Dare to Disrupt Episode 4 – Connecting Consumers and Local Businesses with Bruce Aronow
Bruce Aronow is the Executive Chairman of eLocal, a performance-based advertising company whose mission is to connect consumers with local businesses, specializing in the home services, legal, medical, financial, and insurance verticals. He graduated from the Penn State Smeal College of Business in 1987 with a degree in accounting.
In this episode, Bruce describes how he went from being a “middle of the pack” high school student to a 4.0 Penn State graduate who founded eLocal, a performance-based advertising company at the forefront of a changing industry.
He discusses how his strong work ethic developed as a student at Penn State pushed him to succeed in his accounting career at PriceWaterhouse Coopers right out of college.
At the end of the episode, Jake Grim, a senior at Penn State studying business administration and founder of Table Rock Markets, which bridges the gap between farmers and digital business by directly linking consumers with local producers, joins the episode to talk to Aronow about how to pivot a business and get through times of doubt as a startup founder.
Episode Chapters
- 0:00 – 11:28 Learning to work smarter and not harder at Penn State
- 11:28 – 19:29 The drivers for taking an entrepreneurial leap from a stable and successful career
- 19:29 – 29:25 Connecting consumers with local businesses through eLocal
- 29:25 – 30:57 The future of eLocal, more vetting of contractors
- 30:57 – 44:35 Student section
About Bruce Aronow
Bruce Aronow is Executive Chairman at eLocal. He graduated from the Smeal College of Business in 1987 with a degree in accounting.
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Dare to Disrupt is a podcast about Penn State alumni who are innovators, entrepreneurs and leaders, and the stories behind their success. Learn more.