A searchable inventory of entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem resources around our 21 innovation spaces across Pennsylvania

1855 Capital
Private early-stage venture capital fund providing investment and advisement primarily to Penn State-affiliated startups.
Private early-stage venture capital fund providing investment and advisement primarily to Penn State-affiliated startups.
Location: State College Service Area: State-wide

Nationally ranked startup accelerator providing early-stage technology companies with an extensive mentor network, educational sessions with industry leaders and a rich entrepreneurial work environment.
Nationally ranked startup accelerator providing early-stage technology companies with an extensive mentor network, educational sessions…
Location: Pittsburgh Service Area: State-wide

Altoona Blair County Development Corporation
Assists businesses of all sizes with financing, workforce development, site selection, expansions, consultations and more.
Assists businesses of all sizes with financing, workforce development, site selection, expansions, consultations and more.
Location: Altoona Service Area: Regional

Beaver County Chamber of Commerce
An organization promoting economic growth in Beaver County
An organization promoting economic growth in Beaver County
Location: Beaver Service Area: Regional

Ben Franklin Technology Partners Innovation Works
A PA state-funded investor in promising, technology-oriented startup companies with a focus on funding their critical commercialization activities and meeting growth needs.
A PA state-funded investor in promising, technology-oriented startup companies with a focus on funding their…
Location: Pittsburgh Service Area: Regional

Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central and Northern PA
A PA state-funded investor in promising, technology-oriented startup companies with a focus on funding their critical commercialization activities and meeting growth needs. A key collaborator with Invent Penn State &…
A PA state-funded investor in promising, technology-oriented startup companies with a focus on funding their…
Location: Central and Northern PA Service Area: Regional

Berks County Community Foundation
Promotes philanthropy and improves the quality of life for residents of Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Promotes philanthropy and improves the quality of life for residents of Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Location: Reading Service Area: Regional

Berks County Office of Industrial Development Authority
Creates and develops business opportunities through the construction, improvement, rehabilitation, revitalization and financing of industrial, commercial, manufacturing, research and development enterprises to alleviate unemployment and prevent blight.
Creates and develops business opportunities through the construction, improvement, rehabilitation, revitalization and financing of industrial,…
Location: Reading Service Area: Regional

Blair County Chamber of Commerce
Business association to promote, inform, educate and advocate for the membership and the business community.
Business association to promote, inform, educate and advocate for the membership and the business community.
Location: Altoona Service Area: Regional

BlueTree Allied Angels
Members-only organization that operates as a network of private equity investors meeting monthly to evaluate and consider pre-institutional investments in regional, early-stage companies.
Members-only organization that operates as a network of private equity investors meeting monthly to evaluate…
Location: Wexford Service Area: State-wide

Bridgeway Capital
Market-driven, private sector financial intermediary that provides flexible financing and educational opportunities to entrepreneurs, small businesses and community organizations
Market-driven, private sector financial intermediary that provides flexible financing and educational opportunities to entrepreneurs, small…
Location: Erie Service Area: Regional

Centre County Industrial Development Corporation’s Revolving Loan Fund Program
Funds projects that may not be eligible for traditional funding by partnering with other public and private funding sources.
Funds projects that may not be eligible for traditional funding by partnering with other public…
Location: State College Service Area: Regional

Chamber of Business & Industry Centre County
Offers education, information, resources, networking, marketing and promotion to encourage economic development and business growth.
Offers education, information, resources, networking, marketing and promotion to encourage economic development and business growth.
Location: State College Service Area: Regional

Chester County Economic Development Council
A private, non-governmental entity providing businesses financial solutions, cultivating workforce talent, leveraging business partnerships and fostering entrepreneurial collaboration.
A private, non-governmental entity providing businesses financial solutions, cultivating workforce talent, leveraging business partnerships and…
Location: Exton Service Area: Regional

College of Agricultural Sciences Springboard Competition
An annual pitch competition where students from all Penn State campuses can pitch business concepts that solve needs in food, AG, ecosystems, bio renewables and energy in order to win…
An annual pitch competition where students from all Penn State campuses can pitch business concepts…
Location: State College Service Area: State-wide

College Township Industrial Development Authority
Backs financing for the construction, improvement, rehabilitation and revitalization of manufacturing, research and development enterprises focused on solutions for unemployment, blight, and air and water pollution.
Backs financing for the construction, improvement, rehabilitation and revitalization of manufacturing, research and development enterprises…
Location: State College Service Area: Regional

Contrary Capital
Contrary Capital is a decentralized, university-focused venture fund backed by the best in the world, with most of our limited partners founding $1B+ tech companies over the past decade, including…
Contrary Capital is a decentralized, university-focused venture fund backed by the best in the world,…
Location: United States Service Area: State-wide

Eastern Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce
Helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses and network with other entrepreneurs.
Helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses and network with other entrepreneurs.
Location: Jenkintown Service Area: Regional