NSF I-Corps Application

NSF I-Corps Application

The Invent Penn State NSF I-Corps Site provides $3,000 mini-grants, commercialization training, and mentorship opportunities for up to 30 startup teams per year.
  • Applicant Information

  • Hold down the Ctrl button to click multiple options.
  • Academic Team Lead (Faculty / Staff Member)

  • Entrepreneurial Team Lead

  • Student, alumni, etc.
  • Business Mentor

  • Please include: Name, Current Position, Relevant Business, Experience, Phone, Email
  • Proposed Budget Information

  • Please provide a total budget estimate. We recognize that the actual expenses may differ.
  • DescriptionAmount 
    Please include description of expenses and amounts for each item.
    Reimbursement Guidelines can be found: https://invent.psu.edu/programs/nsf-i-corps-program/i-corps-reimbursement-guidelines/
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.