The graphics, templates and materials in this section will help you communicate effectively about IP Navigator, Resource Navigator and Startup Navigator in the context of Invent Penn State, LaunchBox, and the Commonwealth Campuses.

Have Questions?

For questions about branding, trademark and logo use, language, file types, functionality or production options, please contact us.


Use these graphics for Power Point presentations or print them out and place them on desks and tables.

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Full Width Graphics

Use this graphic when linking your website to the any of the Navigators. This is the preferred graphic when it is an option.

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2/3 Length Web Graphic

Use this graphic when linking your website to the any of the Navigators. The 2/3 length design makes this graphic ideal for compact web or digital design.

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2019 Venture and IP Conference IP Navigator Ad

This ad was used as the back cover for the 2019 Innovation Guide at the 2019 Venture & IP Conference

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Daily Collegian Resource Navigator Sticky

A sticky ad that was created for the print version of the Daily Collegian.

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Daily Collegian Startup Navigator Sticky

A sticky ad that was created for the print version of the Daily Collegian.

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